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Semerkova Lubov Nikolaevna, Doctor of economic sciences, professor, head of sub-department of marketing, commerce and service, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Ostroukhova Natalya Grigorievna, Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, sub-department of economics, Syzran Branch of Samara State Technical University (45 Sovetskaya street, Syzran, Russia),

Index UDK





Background. Globalization of the world economy has been replaced by a new trend – movement of business activity centers to the east, redistribution of financial and trade flows in the same direction. In addition, the role of science in the economy rises each year. Changes in the global and national economies require adjustments of the existing approaches to business – new business models.
Materials and methods. The research materials were taken from annual reports of energy companies: PJSC “Gazprom”, OJSC “NK ‘Rosneft’”, PJSC “RusHydro”, PJSC “OGK-2”, PJSC “Rossetti”, State Corporation “Rosatom”, PJSC “Gazpromneft”. The research methodology included analysis and synthesis, graphical method, functional analysis.
Results. The authors studied the existing business models of energy companies, revealed their strengths and weaknesses, formulated trends and reasons for their change.
Conclusions. The Russian fuel and energy sector is dominated by vertically integrated structure that has survived from the time of planned economy. Now, however, the energy business world-wide tends to destroy vertical linkages and put assets outside the company. This trend is also observed in the domestic energy sector. A characteristic feature of the emerging business models overseas is a comprehensive development of innovation, service development and customer relations. To ensure the competitiveness of Russian companies in international energy markets it is necessary to take into account these trends when altering business models.

Key words

business model, business process, fuel and energy complex, vertical integration, innovation

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Дата создания: 07.12.2017 22:59
Дата обновления: 08.12.2017 13:56